Year 8

24.01.2018 - 19:19


I can't believe it. Well, technically, I started writing Three Days - and a bit more... in May 2010, but still, it's been about 8 years since the story came to my mind - and is still evolving in details, in the last third. So yes, with today's EARLY(just one day, but call this a miracle) release of chapter 29 we're about to dive into the third third. :) Not only in terms of chapter count, but also story wise.

To those who have read it, you might have noticed that everything up to chapter 10 builds up to what you call the "core" of the story. Chapter 10 and onwards deal with the hope on what the main characters' lives should be, including all sorts of events that keep them from becoming that and as soon as they would be, we get into the theoretical part 3 from chapter 30 to the end, that indicates that whatever we are dealing with, it is deeper and has much more going on in the shadows than anyone might ever understand.


So, that being said, don't be disappointed that we passed the middle without your notice. There is still a year worth of uploads ahead, if I can manage to translate a chapter per month. Issues had been there in the past, but I am positive.


If you are still new to the story, thank you for reading this quite spoiler free summary.


Also, no, Until I Die might be about as far in regard of chapters uploaded, but its end lies far beyond the 40-mark.  There is therefore no need to dread a soon end.


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